I heard that you passed away on April 5, 2009 at the entirely too young age of 35. Thinking back, I remember that time you picked on me in our seventh grade English class and Greg Ledbetter stepped in on my behalf. I didn't hate you for it though. There are a few good memories, like that time in '88 when Columbus got one of those random, freak ice storms and my mom's car got stuck in the slush right across from your parents' house. You offered to help us get it out. I haven't forgotten the ribbing you gave me when the Dodgers got knocked out of the '91 MLB Playoffs, either. Can't say I didn't deserve it with the way I was running my mouth in the middle of Braves Nation though. Anyway man, I know you have a wife and two young children who are missing you more than their hearts can stand it right now. I've prayed for them every night since I heard the news. I read your obituary, and it sounded like you lived a full life in the short time you were here. That's all any of us can ask for in the end. Congratulations on all you achieved. I hope there are plenty of mud bogs in Heaven.