As for hands-on preparation, a few weeks ago, Radha attended a "Big Sisters Class" being taught at the hospital that Reese will be delivering at. Radha was there with a three-year-old girl, Abby, who will also be welcoming a baby brother about the same time that she does. A woman named Becky, who works in the hospital's L&D ward, taught the class. The girls watched a video about welcoming a new sibling home and then practiced changing the diaper of and dressing a doll. I'm not sure how much of the info Radha soaked in, but it was comforting to see her interested in the prospect of welcoming a sibling. Near the end of the class she decorated a t-shirt for her new brother with her own illustrations and the message "Baby Brother...Welcome Home!"
As for me, I still need to refresh my memory on what a dad should know about a new baby. Just because I've been through it before doesn't mean that I remember every little detail. Thankfully, Reese still has all of the literature we received prior to Radha's birth. I imagine that these next two weeks will go by in the blink of an eye. I better get ready.
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