Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dr. Mom???

     Slowly but surely, news of my departure is spreading among my coworkers.  A few days ago, a guy who I consider a friend addressed me as "Dr. Mom."  Let me get this straight, I am neither a doctor nor a mom.  As politely as possible, I informed him that I would soon be a stay at home dad and reminded him that he would still have to work with me for six more days.  He changed the subject and became overly friendly real quick.   It seems like my female coworkers are a lot more capable of stringing the words stayat, home and dad together.  Maybe it's not that big a deal.  I'm the one who's getting out of that accursed place and doing what I want to, right?  Heck, this same friend told me he would have stayed at home with his son if he was given the chance.  Maybe he'll be lucky enough to be addressed as Dr. Mom someday down the road.


  1. Your wifey said you were going to be staying at home! Congrats! It will be an incredibly great job for you!

  2. Hey Muh Brutha!

    I am glad to hear you'll be a stay at home dad! No more dealing with people and their STDs and crap! I take it you'll be making meals too! Let me know and I'll drop you a few easy recipes that will help you! I know it will be a lot of work, but you'll do a great job! It's rare these days to be have a parent be able to stay home. I'm glad to hear you'll be able to do that!

    ~Jeff from Michigan~

  3. Hey cuz - you can always ask Hoyt about his days as a SAHD he really loved it and was pretty unhappy when it had to end. He may be going to 3rds soon and he will be at home w/ the kids during the day too. If only we were closer you guys could have Daddy Daycare together :)

  4. Here from your wife's blog. Good for you! And enjoy!
